Artificial Intelligence Alliance (FET) Price Analysis
Investor Sale Pending
Currently, the price of Artificial Intelligence Alliance (FET) is waiting for bullish triggers to initiate a potential recovery. With many investors facing losses, there is a sense of optimism as the market conditions may be ripe for a turnaround.
Active addresses in terms of profitability indicate a majority of investors are currently at a loss. However, the dominance of selling investors is below the bearish threshold of 25%, pointing towards a possible shift in market sentiment.
Additionally, the market to realized value (MVRV) ratio suggests that an accumulation phase may be underway, with potential buying pressure building up. Historically, when the MVRV ratio is between -10% and -25%, it often signals the start of a rally.
FET Price Prediction: After the Bottom
The price of FET has been trading below the $0.90 resistance level, but a rebound from the $0.76 support level has prevented further losses. With signs pointing towards a possible breakout above $1.00, there is a chance for FET to reach support at $1.40.
However, a failed breakout could lead to a downward trend below $1.00, extending the sideways movement. In such a scenario, investors may have to wait longer for potential returns.
In conclusion, the current market conditions for FET are showing promising signs of a potential recovery. With investors possibly shifting towards a bullish trend, there is optimism for a price surge in the future. However, caution is advised as market trends can be unpredictable, and careful analysis is necessary before making investment decisions.